Saturday, December 15, 2007

Life > Property

It's an interesting choice to put your message somewhere that it's going to get pissed on every day.

But I guess that's the point.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hello, Lover

All I want for Christmas is you.

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm Naming My First Born Jack

I don't care if it's a boy or a girl.

Jack Johnson is finally releasing a new album. He writes:

"My friends and I have just finished recording a new album called Sleep Through the Static. At this point in my life I weigh about 190 lbs and my ear hairs are getting longer. I also have a couple of kids. My wife popped them out, but I helped. Some of the songs on this album are about making babies. Some of the songs are about raising them. Some of the songs are about the world that these children will grow up in; a world of war and love, and hate, and time and space. Some of the songs are about saying goodbye to people I love and will miss."

You can listen to his first single, "If I had Eyes," here. The single will be available on iTunes December 11th and the album, Sleep Through the Static, is due out in the US on February 5th.

Always looking out.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Their ringleader was called "The General?" For knockoff Nikes? Really?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Faceoff: Mahmoud vs. Gael

It really creeps me out how much Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks like an older, full bearded version of Gael Garcia Bernal.


Stay hot and nuclear-free, Gael!


Wtf do you mean it's ONLY Wednesday!?

I am thisclose to buying a couple of cats and calling it a day.

That, or live blogging my feelings towards Charles Shaw glass by glass.

God bless California, where Two Buck Chuck actually costs two bucks.

I Don't Mess With Love

I have to admit that my job is somewhat enviable from the outside. Office-wide jello shots at 4:45? What's not to love? But sometimes when I'm walking to the train station at 7am I still drag my feet juuuust a little.

A few weeks ago, I realized that I had spent slightly too long deciding which black sweater to wear that day and it was time to start power walking or risk missing my train. Because God forbid I'm late for an opportunity to hurtle myself at 80 mph in an aluminum/fiberglass tube 135 feet below the bay. (Ye-ah, I know how to use wikipedia).

Anyways, I was hussling the last few blocks when a man stopped me on the street.

Dude: Giiiiiiiiiirl! [SCORE! All great conversations open this way!] Girl, I have to tell you. You look fine.
Me: Oh, thanks!
Dude: And the way you walk is MMM!
Me: Ha. Thanks. [Awkward silence] Have a good one!
Dude: You too.

We go our separate ways.

Dude: Wait.
Me: Yes?
Dude: You got a man?
Me: I'm sorry?
Dude: You GOT a MAN?
Me: Yes. Yes I do. [Liar! LIAR! Pants on fire!] And, I also have a train to catch...
Dude: Oh, ok.
Me: Bye!
Dude: Wait.
Me: Yes, sir?
Dude: How long have you been with your man?
Me: I'm sorry?
Dude: How long have you been together?
Me: Two years. [You wish]
Dude: Damn. So you're in love?
Me: Oh. Yes. Love.
Dude: Damn. If it was only 3 or 4 months, I was going to see if you wanted something on the side. I would mess with 3 or 4 months. ... But I don't mess with love. I'm Brian. If anything changes, you let me know.

Honestly, Brian? You made my day. I just have this amazing dry spell going. And I don't mess with a sure thing.

Monday, December 3, 2007

For Only 600 Payments of $19.99

I'm so frustrated by this luxury culture that I'm clearly feeding. Why does a $700 price tag + red soles = good?

Pretty, though.

My job is so commercial that I've decided to make everyone's Christmas presents (yay for you)! And even though I like to pretend that I can remove myself from the culture of wanting/needing/going into extreme debt to have, there are moments when I want something incredibly ridiculous.

Like a $12,000 Chanel bicycle.

Fuck. How many weeks before we see it on Gossip Girl?

[Via Vogue UK]

Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Obsession

Ok, ok. One more...

Um. Marry me?

FYI- You can check out Jason Schwartzman's band Coconut Records here.

West Coast

Indie rock + California loving + skateboard + museum = new favorite.