Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This song makes me feel like jumping for joy.

Goldfrapp- Happiness

Friday, May 2, 2008

Springtime Singing

Tonight is Spring Sing, a UCLA tradition. In honor of what promises to be an incredibly awkward night (ugh, long story), I thought I would share a little diddy by a UCLA alum.

Sara Bareilles- Love Song:

Stuck. in. my. head.

Zip It

Well, hello there Matt & Nat! My favorite vegan handbag line has totally revamped their website. I've been infatuated with this line since my days in the bay. While nothing is screaming at me this season, I love what they're trying with zip details.

Like the vertical zips on this Moz laptop bag:

Or this white hot Bjork shoulder bag:

And check out the curves on the Soze Large bag:

Finally, the stripes on this Zebrano bag:

Like I said, nothing was love at first sight, but I'm sensing some potential.