Friday, April 11, 2008

And The List Goes On

I'd like to dedicate this next one to Neekoh, for tagging me! Also, I want to thank the economy for the terrible job market- without you I wouldn't have the time to fill this out!

8 Things I am Passionate About
1) Words
2) Experiences
3) Eco-consciousness
4) Love
5) The interwebs
6) San Diego
7) Relgions (plural! Faith fascinates me)
8) Dive bars

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1) Live in another country
2) Write a book
3) Make the perfect cup of coffee
4) Get a PhD in Media Studies
5) Raise some kickass human beings
6) Meditate
7) Figure out what I'm looking for.
8) Find it. Love it.

8 Things I Say Often
1) Yeah, no
2) whatEVER
3) obvs
4) for serious
5) Are you kidding me?
6) Room for cream
7) Duuuude.
8) I have a boyfriend.

8 Books I Have Read Lately
1) Bell Canto
2) Writers Guide
3) How to Lose Friends and Alienate Peopl
4) That Extra Half Inch
5) The Lovely Bones
6) The Year of Magical Thinking
7) The Beautiful Fall
8) Everything is Illuminated

8 Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over
1) Blondie - Call Me
2) Jack Johnson - Gone Going
3) Matt Costa - Cold December
4) Kate Nash - Mariella
5) Regina Spektor - Hotel Song
6) Feist - I Feel It All
7) Rihanna - Breakin' Dishes
8) Coconut Records - West Coast

8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
1) Their totally hot bods
2) Their totally hot minds
3) They let me tell the same story more than once
4) They think my jokes are good enough for Hollywood Street.
5) Their unconditional love, acceptance and support.
6) Their low alcohol tolerance- cheap dates!
7) They hold my purse when I need to chug beer with a potential employer.
8) They still speak to me after I drag them on stage to meet the bachelor.

TAG! You're it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pop Goes the Bubble!

I had to quit (had to? so dramatic, this one) yesterday when my boss called me to tell me not to bother coming in. They had sold the office chairs, so there would be nowhere to sit to work.

Are you kidding me?

They're in the process of moving to a new office because they can't afford rent on their beachfront property any longer. When they started liquidating the company furniture, I was a little worried. When they didn't transfer my phone extension to the new office? I was a lot worried.

I quit via email. I had some reservations about doing this because it seemed about equivalent to a text message breakup. But, I was informed that you are allowed to text message breakup with a "lame ass boyfriend." Besides, what else was I supposed to do? Show up at an abandoned office and slip my resignation letter under the door?

I got an email back thanking me for being so straightforward (i.e. "we were going to fire you anyways because there's no money to pay you"), and assuring me that they really really liked me. Aww! I love being loved!

But love won't pay the bills!

... Or will it?

Excuse me, I have something I need to work on.